Drug addiction is a repetitive cycle, one that controls the victim’s life and thought process into searching for one thing– pleasure. A drug that used to fulfil and liberate the mind now imprisons and creates a machine like human.
I knocked on the door; it had been severely kicked in. An almost skeletal face peered out, giving me the once over with his sunken blood shot eyes. The long spindly fingers grabbed my shoulder and pulled me inside. “Enter the void,” he whispered in my ear, with a sickening lick from my neck to my ear. A cold shiver crept up my spine my brain’s indication to run. But I saw her, lying face down on the floor. My family isn’t what you would call together, and the years of spending drunken Christmas’s getting in fights with the neighbours seemed to have rubbed off on my cousin.
“My name is unimportant.” She whispered into the microphone. For obvious reason’s ‘she’ wishes to remain anonymous. Agreeing to this story to show the repetitive cycle of drugs and their effects to the youth of Australia. She, a youth herself – only twenty years old and has been addicted to drug use for over five years. According to government statistics more than 17% of Australian’s have tried illicit drugs. These figures also show a sharp rise of 2% in disease caught due to needle use.
I watched on as my cousin lied face down on the floor with the two men sitting beside her, every few moments touching her motionless body inappropriately and laughing hysterically. I don’t know what to think. It is a harsh reality to face, but it is not my reality. Rehab has been offered but unfortunately anonymous wants to quit by her self, when she feels ready. It is a cold bleak truth that many Australian families are faced with each day. The only travel involved in her life was to find more drugs, and male friends to provide much needed money. It became a repetitive cycle, as if she didn’t have any thoughts other then finding more pleasure. She ended our interview with a truthful and melancholy metaphor “I want to change my cycle, but how does a machine reprogram itself?”